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Home / Club Documents / GDPR and Membership Details
Home / Club Documents / GDPR and Membership Details

GDPR and Membership Details


Data Protection

The information you provide in this form will be used solely for dealing with you as a member of Manor Park Sailing Club.

The club has a Data Privacy Policy which can be found at Your data will be stored and used in accordance with this Policy.

The Club may wish to publish a membership handbook, yearbook or directory. This would include member's (or in the case of a family membership the lead family member's name) [ other information such as email addresses, phone/ mobile number, addresses boat name, call sign, mooring location] and will be available to all members, in either electronic version on the portal. This will only be your name unless you opt into setting other information.

The Club may arrange for photographs or videos to be taken of Club activities and published on our website or social media channels to promote the Club.

Consent is sought on the Consent forms requested for Young Persons at the point of sign up each year.

Members will be advised when general photo shoots are being taken and you will have the opportunity to sail away from the photography session.

If you do not wish you photo to be used please advise the commodore in writing or email.

If you have any queries, questions or comments on the information contained in this leaflet, kindly contact the Legal Team on 023 8060 4223 or

RYA Responsibility Statement:

The RYA Legal Team provides generic legal advice for RYA members, affiliated clubs, class associations and Recognised Training Centres. The information contained in this Guidance represents the RYA's interpretation of the law as at the date of this edition. The RYA takes all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this Guidance is accurate and that any opinions, interpretations and guidance expressed have been carefully considered in the context in which they are expressed. However, before taking any action based on the contents of this Guidance, readers are advised to confirm the up to date position and to take appropriate professional advice specific to their individual circumstances.


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