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Home / Club Documents / Terms and Conditions
Home / Club Documents / Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Conditions of membership

Membership of Manor Park Sailing Club, ("the Club") is subject to the Club's Constitution, Bylaws, Sailing and Safety Rules current at the time and displayed in the Clubhouse or on our website ( Please refer to the Club Constitution & Byelaws for a full definition of tour membership categories.

Members of the Club, their guests and visitors may use the Club's premises and any other Club facilities entirely at their own risk and by their use accept that:

  • 1.The Club will not accept any liability for any damage to or loss of property belonging to Members, their guests and visitors to the club.
  • 2.The Club will not accept any liability for personal injury arising out of (a)the use of the Club premises and any other Club facilities or (b)participation in any race or other activity organised by the Club, whether sustained by any party whether or not such damage could have been attributed to, or was caused by neglect, default or negligence of any of the Officers, Committee or Servants of the Club

Before inviting guests or visitors onto the Club's premises or to participate in any events organised by the Club, Members will draw their attention to the above conditions.

Boat parking places will be allocated by the Boat Park Manager and members will not move their boats to another position on the boat park without consulting the Boat Park Manager.

Subscriptions to the club are for the period from payment date to the end of the current calendar year.

Payment for membership renewals are payable on 1st January.

Parents or Guardians Declaration (if applicable)

I approve this application for membership and confirm that the junior applicants can swim well

Will always use a suitable buoyancy aid, correctly fitted (Including SUP members) when on ALL launching beaches and when on the water in any craft.

Launching beaches should be kept as clear as possible to facilitate safe launching. Beach in front of powerboat containers should be kept clear in order to facilitate emergency launching of any powerboat / rescue craft.

I have no objection to the applicant taking part in racing and will always provide adequate supervision ensuring that they comply with the rules as set out in this document

I understand and agree that I take sole responsibility for my children, wards and junior guests. I agree that the Club takes no responsibility for the children whilst they are on the Club premises or using Club facilities.


I / We enclose a cheque made payable to Manor Park Sailing Club / have made an electronic payment e.g. Paypal/BACS.

I / We have read the club constitution and byelaws and will observe the rules of the club at all times.

I / We understand that all adult members may be requested to do a duty or to help maintain the club facilities.

I / We understand that members who store boats at the club are responsible for the upkeep of their boatpark area.

I / We will observe the rules of the club at all times.

I / We confirm that all craft (Including Dinghies, SUPs and Kayaks) must be adequately insured (this will be decided by the insurance company and is usually between £2 and £5 million).

Membership of Manor Park Sailing Club, ("the Club") is subject to the Club's Constitution, Bylaws, Sailing and Safety Rules current at the time and displayed in the Clubhouse or on MPSC website. Members of the Club, their guests and visitors may use the Club's premises and any other Club facilities entirely at their own risk and by their use accept that:

1. The Club will not accept any liability for any damage to or loss of property belonging to Members, their guests and visitors to the club.

2. The Club will not accept any liability for personal injury arising out of (a)the use of the Club premises and any other Club facilities or (b)participation in any race or other activity organised by the Club, whether sustained by any party whether or not such damage could have been attributed to, or was caused by neglect, default or negligence of any of the Officers, Committee or Servants of the Club.

Before inviting guests or visitors onto the Club's premises or to participate in any events organised by the Club, Members will draw their attention to the above conditions.

Agreement to the above is a condition of membership


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