Manor Park Dinghy Racing - Autumn 2022
We try to race every week throughout the year. Would you like to join us? This may help:
On Thursday before the weekend I ask on the Manor Park Facebook page who might race. I also comment on the forecast and any changes we might make to normal arrangements such as, occasionally, moving racing to the Sunday. If you think you might come, please post a comment on FB.
In summer we race in the afternoons, the mornings in winter. The start is a briefing on the patio; this is important so that you know how the races are going to be run on that day. Also safety instructions - and it's sociable. Racers should be rigged & ready by 1.30 (summer), 10.30 (winter). The first race starts 30 minutes later, or earlier if we are all out in Saddlesall by then.
On the Water
The races are planned to last about 40 minutes and we do 2 or 3. With time between the races to set a new course and countdown it means that we are heading back to the clubhouse after a couple of hours if 2 races, a bit later if 3. Not everyone stays for all 3: we let people leave early!
The races
The races will a mixture of pursuit and handicap races. Our boats differ in how fast they are. So the RYA give us a handicapping system that evens the boats out. In a pursuit race the slowest boat starts first and the others progressively later. The winner is the boat in front at the end of the fixed time of the race, typically 35 minutes. In a handicap all boats sail the same course and their actual times are adjusted by their handicap.
Ideally the team running the race and covering safety is two people but sometimes only one. So you need to be aware that you race at your own risk and please do not exceed your capabilities. Read the weather forecast, wear the correct clothes, check round the boat before you leave the beach and know that you can deal with a capsize including being able to get into your boat again once you have righted it.
Can you help - and watch?
The roles of Officer of the Day (OD) and assistant are usually taken by members who race. But we would be glad of occasional help from other members; in the process you would have a ring-side view of the racing. You don't need any special knowledge, but you would need appropriate clothing! You can volunteer via Sailing Club Manager but best to contact me first.
To End
At the end of the day, after boats are put away, we gather in the Club House for tea and cake and chatter about how it all went. Do come to tea and ask for advice or explanation on anything.
Feel free to ask for information or advice on any of this, in person or via Facebook. And enjoy your sailing!
Contact me through Facebook or racing@mpsc.co.uk
September 2022