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Published 20:18 on 3 Dec 2020


After a long Winter lay-off we're all starting to head back out onto the water...but has everyone thought about insurance?

Remember, ALL craft both stored onsite at MPSC and / or used on the water require insurance. This includes Dinghies/Paddleboards/Kayaks.

When it's windy, boats fall over and very often cause damage to their neighbouring craft for example.
How about damage caused by crashes out on the water? The "First rule of sailing" may well be "Don't crash" but sometimes accidents happen.
What about if you leave your boat on the beach for a while and a sudden squall blows it over? What if a kayak blows into another canoe or dinghy?
How about an errant paddleboard that crashes into one of our radio sailing boats? (These boats are very often far more expensive than most of our own craft) ..... this is where insurance comes in.

It's a club rule to hold adequate insurance on any craft that goes on the water or is stored at the club either temporarily (If you bring your craft from home each time) or in a berth.

There are loads of insurance outfits to cover Watersports/Watercraft.
The ones shown here aren't particular recommendations, but they do give an idea as to likely costs etc.

British Canoeing British Canoeing membership gives insurance cover for SUPS, kayaks, canoes and also provides a waterway licence that you'll need if you fancy a paddle up the river.

For sailing dinghies, there are a plethora of companies but the most reliable that I've dealt with (Yes, I've crashed a few boats in my time) have been Noble (Who can be expensive but their cover and service is second to none) , Craftinsure (Easy to arrange, good value and decent cover) and GJW Direct who sometimes have multi-boat offers.

Anyway, take a look at all the different options and choose the one that suits you - For dinghy sailors look for 'New for old' clauses. If you destroy a sail, for example, will the company replace them? - many don't. Several offer cash minus 'wear & tear'. Noble include 'New for old' as standard but that's why their cover is, often, more expensive.
You do tend to get what you pay for.

Please make sure that before we all rush out to the club and onto the water that insurance is in place.

I know it's really dull, but when you crash your £300 craft into a £2000 Marblehead radio sailing yacht you might be thankful for it.


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